Untitled Publication

A. Eakin, J.N. Higaki, J.H. McKerrow & C.S. Craik. Cysteine or Serine Proteinase. Nature 342,132

Untitled Publication

W.J. Rutter, S.J. Gardell, S. Roczniak, D. Hilvert, S. Sprang, R.J. Fletterick & C.S. Craik. Edited by D. Oxender and C.F. Fox. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc. Redesigning Proteins via Genetic Engineering. In: Protein Modification and Design, pp. 257-267

Untitled Publication

T.L. Burgess, C.S. Craik, L. Matsuuchi & R.B. Kelly. In Vitro Mutagenesis of Trypsinogen: The Role of the N-Terminus in Intracellular Protein Targeting to Secretory Granules. J. Cell Bio. 105, 659-668

Untitled Publication

C.S. Craik. Edited by D. Oxender. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc. Expression and Overproduction of Proteins. In: Protein Structure, Folding and Design 2, pp. 467-476.

Untitled Publication

C.S. Craik, S. Roczniak, S. Sprang, R.J. Fletterick & W.J. Rutter. Edited by D. Cunningham and G. Long. New York: Alan R Liss, Inc. Redesigning Trypsin via Genetic Engineering. In: Proteases in Biological Control and Biotechnology

Untitled Publication

S. Gardell, C.S. Craik, D. Hilvert, M. Urdea & W. Rutter. Edited by I. Bertini, C. Luchinat, W. Maret, and M. Zeppezauer. Boston, Massachusetts: Birkhäuser. Probing the Role of Tyrosine 248 in Carboxypeptidase A with Site-Directed Mutagenesis. In: Comparative Analysis of Catalytic Mechanisms of Zinc Enzymes.

Untitled Publication

C.S. Craik & S. Beychok. Edited by C. Ho. In: Interaction Between Iron Proteins in Oxygen and Electron Transport, Elsevier North Holland Biomedical Press
