
Conserved regulatory motifs in the juxtamembrane domain and kinase N-lobe revealed through deep mutational scanning of the MET receptor tyrosine kinase domain.


Estevam GO, Linossi EM, Macdonald CB, Espinoza CA, Michaud JM, Coyote-Maestas W, Collisson EA, Jura N, Fraser JS

Conserved regulatory motifs in the juxtamembrane domain and kinase N-lobe revealed through deep mutational scanning of the MET receptor tyrosine kinase domain.


Gabriella O Estevam, Edmond M Linossi, Christian B Macdonald, Carla A Espinoza, Jennifer M Michaud, Willow Coyote-Maestas, Eric A Collisson, Natalia Jura, James S Fraser

Automated multiconformer model building for X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM.


Stephanie A Wankowicz, Ashraya Ravikumar, Shivani Sharma, Blake Riley, Akshay Raju, Daniel W Hogan, Jessica Flowers, Henry van den Bedem, Daniel A Keedy, James S Fraser

Automated multiconformer model building for X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM.


Wankowicz SA, Ravikumar A, Sharma S, Riley B, Raju A, Hogan DW, Flowers J, van den Bedem H, Keedy DA, Fraser JS

Structural characterization of ligand binding and pH-specific enzymatic activity of mouse Acidic Mammalian Chitinase.


Díaz RE, Ecker AK, Correy GJ, Asthana P, Young ID, Faust B, Thompson MC, Seiple IB, Van Dyken S, Locksley RM, Fraser JS

Structural characterization of ligand binding and pH-specific enzymatic activity of mouse Acidic Mammalian Chitinase.


Roberto Efraín Díaz, Andrew K Ecker, Galen J Correy, Pooja Asthana, Iris D Young, Bryan Faust, Michael C Thompson, Ian B Seiple, Steven Van Dyken, Richard M Locksley, James S Fraser

Vicia faba SV channel VfTPC1 is a hyperexcitable variant of plant vacuole Two Pore Channels.


Lu J, Dreyer I, Dickinson MS, Panzer S, Jaslan D, Navarro-Retamal C, Geiger D, Terpitz U, Becker D, Stroud RM, Marten I, Hedrich R

Maximizing CRISPRi efficacy and accessibility with dual-sgRNA libraries and optimal effectors.


Replogle JM, Bonnar JL, Pogson AN, Liem CR, Maier NK, Ding Y, Russell BJ, Wang X, Leng K, Guna A, Norman TM, Pak RA, Ramos DM, Ward ME, Gilbert LA, Kampmann M, Weissman JS, Jost M

Destabilizers of the thymidylate synthase homodimer accelerate its proteasomal degradation and inhibit cancer growth.


Costantino L, Ferrari S, Santucci M, Salo-Ahen OMH, Carosati E, Franchini S, Lauriola A, Pozzi C, Trande M, Gozzi G, Saxena P, Cannazza G, Losi L, Cardinale D, Venturelli A, Quotadamo A, Linciano P, Tagliazucchi L, Moschella MG, Guerrini R, Pacifico S, Luciani R, Genovese F, Henrich S, Alboni S, Santarem N, da Silva Cordeiro A, Giovannetti E, Peters GJ, Pinton P, Rimessi A, Cruciani G, Stroud RM, Wade RC, Mangani S, Marverti G, D'Arca D, Ponterini G, Costi MP
